Friday 13 February 2009

What would your strategy be in the event of a Zombie Attack?

For me, every day is a horror day.

It has got to the point where my threshold is so high I'm laughing at some pretty gross stuff. I'm not a serial killer by the way.

So, after buying the 28 Days/28 Weeks Later boxset this week, I wondered how I would try and survive such an attack or whether I would survive at all.

The following is my plan of attack. I want to know yours! Just copy the template and let me know how you would kick their asses, slice off their heads or join them in a feeding frenzy! THIS COULD MEAN THE END OF THE WORLD, THERE ARE FLESH EATING CORPSES HEADING YOUR WAY AND YOU HAVE LITTLE TIME TO FORMULATE A PLAN. WHAT DO YOU DO?!


Main weapon: Machete to do some choppin

Side arm: Gladiator style spike ball

Stronghold: The great outdoors, it’s likely I’m going to die anyway. I’d rather be one of them than run and be terrified for the rest of my days.

How you would get there: Easy. Just start walking and wait for a bunch of them.

Anthem: Ace of Spades

Basic plan outline: Run into the crowd of zombies and make a bit of a mess, facing certain death and becoming one of them.

My plan has been heavily criticised by friends. They see the self sacrifice route as a strange option to choose and that if it were a film, mine would be very short. I don't see it this way. I would become a Zombie and that's when the real fun would begin!

So, a ravenous guy is outside your front door and he's brought some friends...

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