Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Why So Serious?

Hmm, that last post was a little negative!

Thankfully I added the Charlie The Unicorn link to lighten the mood. On the other hand, I don't think I have readers so I'm worrying about nothing!

I had another "What am I doing with my life?" moment over the weekend. Possibly whilst I was hugging the toilet bowl. I don't get them that often but they are usually tragically amusing. The last significant "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" moment was a few years ago when I worked as event security. Yes, me. Event security. Me, tiny. Even security. Ridiculous! I was like a baby penguin fighting against rhinos half the time. Anyway, it was a fantastic job. I met the stars, worked backstage, felt part of the 'bubble'. I was on the way, my first step on the ladder!

All these dreams soon came crashing down when after a run of working with bands, I was assigned the job of counting how many drunk men stumbled into a party at the venue. For 8 hours. I realised I hadn't made it. That I was in my early twenties and still had no idea what I was doing or where I was going and that only I, out of all the people I knew, would end up in such a weird place. This job wasn't going to get me anywhere.

Again, after lots of partying and believing I've been having fun for the past few months, I'm not sure I have been.

Time to make some changes.

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